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Omega-3 fatty acids are one of the key nutrients you get from food or supplement that helps build and maintain a healthy body.

Omega-3 plays a vital role to keep the structure of every cell wall you have. It is an energy source that helps your heart, lungs, blood vessels, and immune system work the way they should.

L’il Critters Omega-3 supplement with essential fatty acids EPA / DHA and ELA offer a convenient and delicious way for kids to supplement their diet with omega-3.

These great-tasting vitamins come in fun fish shapes and both lemonade and raspberry flavors, so kids love them Plus, they’re gluten-free.

Lil Critters Kids Omega-3 Gummies
Let Your Kids Grow with Sharp Brain

Suggested Use: As a dietary supplement, parents may give each child, two to three years old, one (1) gummy vitamin per day.  Parents may give each child, four years old or older, two (2) gummy vitamins per day. Instruct the child to chew each gummy thoroughly.

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